Edgar Hofschen

Edgar Hofschen Ausstellungskatalog Papierarbeiten/Exhibition Catalogue Paperworks
2000, Edited by Galerie Hartl, on the occasion of the exhibition at Galerie Hartl and Galerie Ute Mronz, text by Johannes Meinhardt, 64 pages, numerous illustrations.
Edgar Hofschen Kunst-Zeitung, Nr. 7
1989, Edited by Kunst-Zeitung, Texts by Manfred de la Motte and others, 10 pages, 21 ill, 7 colour ill.
Edgar Hofschen Ausstellungskatalog/Exhibition Catalogue
1984, Edited by Galerie Georg Nothelfer Berlin. Texts by Manfred de la Motte and Heinrich Hahne, 40 pages, 29 ill, 15 colour ill. Edition Galerie Georg Nothelfer
Edgar Hofschen Ausstellungskatalog/Exhibition Catalogue
1982, Edited by Kunstverein Braunschweig, exhibition from 19 February-4 April 1982, 122 pages, numerous illustrations.